Erin Alexander our new Administration Officer, what a delight! she is a very confident and knowledgeable staff member, that brings new ideas & enthusiasm to our workshop.
Daniel Rouse is our First Year Apprentice in Panel Beating, who also shows the potential of a great worker.
Paul Northcott is our Tradesman Spray Painter & Panel Beater who has fitted in to our family business, Paul has moved to Jurien with his family, we welcome him as a great asset to our panel shop.
Jake Trist is our Tradesman Spray Painter who has shown great initiative and has decided to do a dual trade. He is completing an Apprentice in Panel Beating to further his skills.
Of course Brad Trist, the hard working all rounder tradesman.
Tyler who frequently supplies & fits the windscreens.
Kade Furnivall is our First Year Spray Painter Apprentice, who shows great potential & is very keen worker.